- Thank God for His Word being preached in his absence
- Pray for a blessed reunion (Or this case union since there can be no "re" to something that hasn't happened yet. But, you knew that already, didn't you?)
- Spiritual strength for all parties involved
- Thankfulness for the Spirit of God at work
- Rest in God's faithfulness
- A foundation of love
- Wisdom
- Purity and blamelessness
- Discernment (perhaps the prayer conspicuously absent from Galatians?)
We could go on for sure, but for those of us involved I encourage a personal search through the prayers in Scripture to see what stands out to you. How are you praying? I would like to hear from you. I'll leave you with a couple personal prayer requests that will make our trip more comfortable, if not even more productive.
- Joel has a tendency to get car/plane sick
- The boys' sleeping patterns in leu of the time change.
P.S. I tried to get rid of the goofy looking flower bullets, but they seem to be stuck.