In my text for Sunday Jesus' disciples display a remarkable understanding of this truth. After so many teachings, so many stories, so many miracles they finally get it. They so totally get it that they don't care what the crowds think, what the religious experts think, or what the Romans think. They praise Jesus will full voice in a lavish display that totally freaks the Pharisees out. As the disciples call Him King and declare that He is sent from God, the Pharisees pull Jesus aside and beg Him to rebuke his guys. They are probably expecting the Romans to sweep in and crush the rebellion at any minute. Jesus says, "Nah, can't do it. Besides, if I did, the rocks would cry out. I am the King. I am the Savior. This is going to happen and nothing will stop it!" Reflect on history with me for a moment. The Roman Empire no longer exists. Those particular religious sects no longer exist. But the praise of the King continues to rise, and is not slowing down at all.
Why do I let myself get anxious, irritated, and opinionated about things that aren't going to last? About things that aren't going to save anyone? More importantly, why do I allow these things to rob me of the joyful praise of my King?
If you find yourself wrapped up in all the political nonsense filling the airwaves, this song is for you: