Monday, August 29, 2011

restore the joy

Ah, the first day of a new school year.  It happened just this morning for us in Buffalo.  Moms crying, kids laughing, families lined up in front of the school sign for pictures.  Inside, the Principal was greeting kids in their freshly ironed polo shirts and summer dresses, and the aroma of freshly sharpened #2 pencils filled the air.  There was joy and energy in abundance on every little summer-tanned face.

It won't be long before a nameless, bathrobe clad mom pulls up to the curb with rollers in her hair, throws the car in park before it fully stops, and screams "Get out of the car!  I'm late for work!"  Little Timmy will stumble onto the sidewalk with syrup smeared across his face and dribbled down his wrinkled Sponge Bob t-shirt.  By then the halls will be lined with the Kindergartener's latest craft project and the guidance counselor will be on meds for ulcers, while the first year teachers are hiding in the teacher's lounge, secretly scanning the classifieds for a job opening at the uranium mine.

What happened to Mom's teary eyes and the freshly ironed summer dresses?  What happened to the smiles of anticipation?  What happened to the joy?  In a word that risks sounding cynical, what happened was reality.  The daily grind, the mundane.  School is still good, knowledge is still imparted, the kids are still spending time with friends, but it has so quickly become so common place and is no longer appreciated.

So it is with the joy of our salvation.  If it were not so David would not have written Psalm 51:12, "restore to me the joy of your salvation."  David had sinned greatly and the hard truth of life had set in - sin, or even just the pace of life will rob us of the joy of our salvation.  Do you remember those high points in your Christian walk when the forgiveness of sins and the friendship of Christ painted the world in bright colors?  I'm sure you do.  Do you remember when it went away?  Probably not, but you can sure see the difference when it is gone.  David pleads, "restore the joy."  We don't have to limp along until the next big event.  The joy can be restored now.

How?  Joy is restored in the same way it came.  Psalm 51:17 says, "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise."  Are you broken by your sin?  Does the damaged relationship with God cause a contrite heart?  Bring your repentance to God, refresh yourself in the wonders of His salvation, and the joy will return.  Next thing you know you'll be opening the Word of God and finding it a lot like the first day of a brand new school year.  Enjoy.

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