The aroma was inviting, the music was the weird, the lighting was pleasantly dim while not so much as to inhibit my reading. Sipping my steaming, grande Americano in the thought-provoking ambience provided by Starbucks, I almost forgot what world existed outside the door. Everything was as you would expect in every Starbucks from Boston to Seattle, but suddenly, something didn’t fit. There was a noise totally out of place, pulling me from my leisurely read back into my new reality. I turned and saw a typical college girl whose likeness you would expect to see a dozen times during any visit to any Starbucks anywhere in the world. But the guy she was with told another story. From his Stetson, to the western cut shirt, pie-plate sized belt buckle, all the way to the culprit of the noise – spurs strapped to his manure caked boots, this guy meshed with the Starbucks scene like Joel Osteen at an old time tent revival. But here, somehow it works. Spurs in Starbucks. Only in Wyoming. Oh, and the best part? He ordered a skinny latte with room for sugar. Wimp.
1 comment:
You got the wimp part right, as for the cowmen and spurs, when I was working on our ranch you might catch me in town with my spurs on, they are easy to forget when you got them on yer boots.
When we moved here it took my wife some time to get used to the cowboys... a lot of these guys are wanna-bees though, drugstore cowboy type...probably never been on a horse nor thrown a rope
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