Friday, September 13, 2013

Phnom Penh Photo Guide

 These photos are in no apparent order, much like the driving.  Enjoy.

Typical power line configuration.

Some random white guy.

One of the difficult things for our Western minds is the stark contrast between the rich and the poor.  In the middle of all this poverty stands the Royal Palace with it's lavish buildings, rich lawns, and modern comforts. 

It's hard to see, but lady on the bike has an IV bag in one hand, and a baby in the other.

Full load.

Our tuk tuk driver's home.

Some of the prisoners at S21.

Street side view of the neighborhood where AIM is located.

The geckos were out in force.

The view from our hotel room.

Potatoes or some other root vegetable.

The government buildings are another example of the rich/poor divide.

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